Monday, March 22, 2010

a minor change to traditional standards

while every woman wants nothing more than to pick up the children on her way home from work, make dinner and help them with their homework, while greeting her husband as he walks in the door with his favorite drink and dinner on the table, the odds are just somehow not in our favor..

however with the support of an online collaboration corporate culture the probability of a woman being able to get out of work early in the afternoon to be able to pick up her children is more possible now than ever- if she decides to do more work after the kids go to bed after all of their needs are taken care of. for example in the publishing industry and especially in market research, I've noticed that schedules are way more flexible than in the past due to collaboration tools like SharePoint, and Remote Access Networking as long as you, yourself are willing to be flexible..

so watch out chickadees- make sure to take a minute, have a beer and relax for yourself; your health (and sanity) might depend on it


  1. That seems pretty presumptuous to assume about women solely...there are plenty of men that want nothing more than to pick up the kids, help them with their homework, fix dinner, and relax in bed.

  2. I agree, the ability to be flexible with your schedule is definitely a plus due to increased telecommuting and video long as you can fit dinner into that flexible schedule.

  3. then the dudes should be watching out tooo! i did not mean to discriminate.

    but please if you want to pick up the kids, help them with their homework and make dinner- i, for sure, will take up running and a social life.

  4. I think this has been the most entertaining set of comments in this class ever. I stand in solidarity as an aspiring house husband ;-)

  5. goo post! It helped me to understand the online collaboration corporate culture better :)
