Monday, March 1, 2010


i'm confused...with the increase in the virtual worlds and online gaming why is anyone surprised that obesity in children has also gone up? (i'm not even going to discuss the obesity in adults caused by this subject because they should know better..)

with children, because they have access to online games where they can make themselves into whatever they want to be, it's no wonder their determination to be successful and do what they want to do is gone. say i can be a decorated diver online where the number of successful dives i have earns my girl coins that i can use to buy new skins. why the hell would i then go to a pool and throw myself off a high dive doing as many flips and spins possible? i am just not that good and my drive to become better isn't worth the struggle of improving my physical condition and air sensibility. i would most likely fall on the water and hurt myself a bunch of times before i got a simple dive worth noticing. RIGHT?

NO! while i am certainly not saying that online games are stupid and unnecessary; i am simply stating they are just games. there's nothing than can replace the way you do feel overcoming physical challenges and being successful at something you're passionate about.


  1. ??? It confused me too...yep. games are just games...

  2. Games such as second world are definitely a threat to the younger generations for both health and social reasons
