Monday, March 22, 2010

a minor change to traditional standards

while every woman wants nothing more than to pick up the children on her way home from work, make dinner and help them with their homework, while greeting her husband as he walks in the door with his favorite drink and dinner on the table, the odds are just somehow not in our favor..

however with the support of an online collaboration corporate culture the probability of a woman being able to get out of work early in the afternoon to be able to pick up her children is more possible now than ever- if she decides to do more work after the kids go to bed after all of their needs are taken care of. for example in the publishing industry and especially in market research, I've noticed that schedules are way more flexible than in the past due to collaboration tools like SharePoint, and Remote Access Networking as long as you, yourself are willing to be flexible..

so watch out chickadees- make sure to take a minute, have a beer and relax for yourself; your health (and sanity) might depend on it

Saturday, March 13, 2010

being a maverickkk

developing a business team is like developing a team to carry out some undercover operation in a movie. some could even compare it to xmen; everyone has their own individualized powers to contribute to the big finish.

contributing online is more difficult however. each teammate's specialties have to be brought forth from the start to eliminate the confusion of responsiblities later on. the person who initially takes action to designate those roles will usually be the leader of the group, looking forward to the big picture.

the biggest problem that i see with collectively contributing online is that some people aren't honest with others about their capabilities let alone themselves. when this happens it creates a disconnect within the group and all trust is lost.

oh hey..just like in-person group projects in collegeeeee!

Monday, March 1, 2010


i'm confused...with the increase in the virtual worlds and online gaming why is anyone surprised that obesity in children has also gone up? (i'm not even going to discuss the obesity in adults caused by this subject because they should know better..)

with children, because they have access to online games where they can make themselves into whatever they want to be, it's no wonder their determination to be successful and do what they want to do is gone. say i can be a decorated diver online where the number of successful dives i have earns my girl coins that i can use to buy new skins. why the hell would i then go to a pool and throw myself off a high dive doing as many flips and spins possible? i am just not that good and my drive to become better isn't worth the struggle of improving my physical condition and air sensibility. i would most likely fall on the water and hurt myself a bunch of times before i got a simple dive worth noticing. RIGHT?

NO! while i am certainly not saying that online games are stupid and unnecessary; i am simply stating they are just games. there's nothing than can replace the way you do feel overcoming physical challenges and being successful at something you're passionate about.