Sunday, January 31, 2010

accessible knowledge or wisdom?

web 2.0 critics are usually part of older generations but commonly they relate the idea that developing technology is causing younger generations to become less intelligent and less directly connected to their networks. the internet and other media technologies have allowed information to become accessible constantly without a lot of effort. but there's a difference between accessing the information and actually using it. this is what i would define as wisdom and it touches on what the older generations believe is being lost.

everyday experiences and using information that someone has come in contact with is actually learning the material. obviously depending on the situation, this knowledge can be applied in a variety of different ways once it is learned. older generations partly due to their lack of experience with the developed technologies don't realize the opportunities that web 2.0 applications create for all kinds of learning and grow. information that wasn't once available to many is now broadcasted publicly and though this comes with responsiblity the benefits of these new technologies provide a bigger chance for personal intellectual development than society's older ways.


  1. I agree with your opinion "knowledge can be applied in a variety of different ways once it is learned" internet makes it very easly so as much as we can get info from networks, I think there should me some attitudes are needed.

  2. The Internet is a leech that sucks out the soul of society!
